We bring the best

CRM solutions

Build Lasting Customer Relationships with CRM

In today’s competitive business environment, customer retention is a top priority for organisations worldwide. A CRM solution helps you organise lead generation data effectively, segment customers based on their spending and other characteristics and scale your sales and marketing activities across the typical customer journey. In turn, you can build better relationships with your customers, increase revenues and attract referrals. CRM tools reduce employee workload
and improve ROI.

DGT provides full cycle CRM development services to allow you to :

  • Business Analysis
  • Custom CRM Development
  • Quality Assurance
  • Data Migration from
    Legacy CRM or
  • User Training
  • Production Rollout
  • Support and Evolution

Looking for an CRM software for your business?

Talks to our experts NOW!

Our Custom CRM Development Services Include

Business Analysis

We help you define your functional requirements based on your key business processes. This ensures the optimum use of resources and timely project completion.

CRM Development

From sales and marketing to order management and customer support, we help you structure and plan CRM features that empower you to solve customer problems with accuracy and speed.

Quality Assurance

Integration issues, problems with communication channels, inefficient process automation and design flaws are ironed out before customers or internal users are impacted.

Risk and Change Management

Our DevOps services help ensure that your product and development teams have a common understanding of the project deliverables, minimizing delays and cost overruns.

Why DGT?

DGT has diverse cross-industry expertise. We use state-of-the-art technology to develop software that helps you boost your business. Our products are created by experts who use cutting edge technology to deliver bespoke, cost-effective and scalable projects on time. We help businesses keep up with the ever evolving, dynamic and challenge world of business. DGT can help your business achieve its true potential through technology.

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